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BOMA/Chicago Files Lawsuit Opposing Transfer Tax Referendum

BOMA/Chicago对十大网赌靠谱网址平台选举委员会提起诉讼. 该诉讼要求禁止委员们在3月19日对转让税公决问题进行验证和公示, 2024, Primary Election ballot.

BOMA/Chicago, 以及代表承包商的各种协会和公司, developers, investors, commercial office, multi-family and retail industries, and the other plaintiffs, 认为向选民提出的三部分问题违反了伊利诺伊州市政法典和伊利诺伊州宪法:

  • 将房地产转让税下调20%,以每500美元的转让价格征收3美元的新转让税, or fraction thereof, for that part of the transfer price below $1,000,除非买方完全根据州法律的规定免征该税,否则转让房地产的买方应支付$ 10,000美元, in which case the tax is to be paid by the seller; AND
  • a real estate transfer tax increase of 166.67%,建立新的转让税率,每500美元的转让价格为10美元, or fraction thereof, for that part of the transfer price between $1,000,000 and $1,500,除非买方完全根据州法律的规定免征该税,否则买方应就转让的房地产支付1000美元(含)的税款, in which case the tax is to be paid by the seller; AND
  • 将房地产转让税上调300%,以每500美元的转让价格征收15美元的转让税, or fraction thereof, for that part of the transfer price exceeding $1,500,除非买方完全根据州法律的规定免征该税,否则转让房地产的买方应支付$ 10,000美元, in which case the tax is to be paid by the seller?

这次具有约束力的公投将迫使选民在一个问题上同意或拒绝三项不同的政策, including a tax decrease, to manipulate voters into approving two separate tax increases.

The Illinois State Constitution guarantees “free and equal elections,,该联盟认为,在公投中包含多个问题是违宪的,因为这禁止居民就三个单独的政策点进行投票.

Further, 联合政府认为,将减税纳入全民公决是不合法的. 伊利诺斯州法规第8-13-19条要求市议会进行全民公投,以决定是否只征收新的转让税或增加现有的转让税. 这条法律是专门为防止立法机构进行推延而制定的, 或者“将不受欢迎的立法与更受欢迎的法案捆绑在一起,这样受欢迎的法案就会推动不受欢迎的法案获得通过。.”

Additionally, 伊利诺伊州最高法院的先例规定,全民公决的问题必须是自动执行的(一个问题必须“独立”)。. 一场有约束力的公投“留下空白,由立法机构或市政机构填补”,这使得选民投票的结果变得不确定. According to the referendum, the revenue from the tax increases would be committed to address homelessness. As of today, however, 伦敦金融城尚未公布解决公众对该基金质疑的详细计划, 相反,他承诺成立一个新的顾问委员会,在获得批准后为该基金提出建议并确立目标.

“无家可归是我们城市的一个关键问题,应该通过一个涉及所有利益相关者的严肃计划来解决. 这些重要的公共政策问题应该公平地呈现给选民, detail, and transparency. Instead, this referendum is playing politics.”

- Executive Director, Farzin Parang

What If It's Passed?

If passed, the ripple effects of the proposed tax increase, 哪一项会使价值在100万美元至1美元之间的房产的转让税增加两倍.5 million and quadruple transfer taxes on properties valued more than $1.5 million, will be detrimental to every neighborhood in the city. Chicago already has the highest commercial property tax in the country, and if these increases take effect, 在与十大网赌靠谱网址平台竞争投资的城市中,十大网赌靠谱网址平台的转让税也是最高的(有14个州甚至不征收转让税)。. At a time when commercial real estate markets are in immense turmoil, homeowners and neighborhoods throughout the city would be hit hard.
  • 住宅物业的财产税由市中心的写字楼大量补贴, which are in a crisis and estimated to have lost 40-80% of their value. By exacerbating this crisis through quadrupled transfer taxes, 整个城市的房主和租房者都将面临更高的个人财产税增长
  • 对十大网赌靠谱网址平台吸引投资能力的影响将阻碍工会创造就业机会和我们的税基或学校的增长, public safety, and more
  • It will be harder to attract and keep grocers, healthcare facilities, and small businesses in our neighborhoods
  • 增税将阻碍保障性和市场价租赁公寓的开发和维护
  • 随着购房成本的增加和开发新住房的障碍影响供应,租房者将看到租金上涨

The coalition seeks to have the misleading referendum stricken from the ballot.

As Seen In The Press

  1. 克雷恩的十大网赌靠谱网址平台商业:十大网赌靠谱网址平台房地产转让税公投在BOMA诉讼问题
  2. 《十大网赌靠谱网址平台》:向巡回法院提起诉讼,试图阻止“把十大网赌靠谱网址平台带回家”公投
  3. The Real Deal: Chicago Transfer Tax Ballot Proposal Hit With Lawsuit
  4. Inman: Chicago Landlord, Business Groups Sue To Block Transfer Tax Hike
  5. 南方日报:十大网赌靠谱网址平台商业联盟提起诉讼,反对转让税公投
  6. WBEZ Chicago: Chicago’s vote on high-end property sales faces lawsuit
  7. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台太阳时报:商业和房地产集团试图阻止“把十大网赌靠谱网址平台搬回家”公投
  8. WGN TV: Groups begin canvassing for Bring Chicago Home referendum
  9. CoStar: Chicago Property Owners Sue To Block Vote on Transfer Tax Increase
  10. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台论坛报:十大网赌靠谱网址平台商业团体要求停止房地产税的投票 
  11. CBS Chicago: Volunteers canvas for 'Bring Chicago Home' ballot referendum
  12. BISNOW: BOMA Chicago, Coalition Of Businesses File Lawsuit To Stop Transfer Tax Vote
  13. BNN Breaking: Chicago's BOMA Fights Real Estate Transfer Tax Proposal
  14. 雅虎:商业团体起诉停止对提高房地产税以支付无家可归者服务的投票
  15. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台论坛报:十大网赌靠谱网址平台房地产联盟旨在扼杀无家可归者减轻公投|法院十大网赌靠谱网址服务
  16. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台代理杂志:当地商业团体联合起来反对即将到来的城市转让税公投
  17. Connect CRE: BOMA, Business Groups Sue Over Transfer Tax Proposal
  18. ABC7 Chicago: Illinois primary 2024: Construction, real estate groups trying to get Bring Home Chicago referendum off March ballot
  19.  Law360 Real Estate Authority: Trade Groups Bring Chicago Real Estate Tax Fight To Court
  20. 中心广场:联盟表示,十大网赌靠谱网址平台的转让税上调可能会导致业主转向伊利诺伊州
  21. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台商业联盟提起诉讼,反对转让税公投
  22. The Real Deal: Why BOMA Sued to Stop Chicago Transfer Tax Vote
  23. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台街区俱乐部:把十大网赌靠谱网址平台带回家的倡导者说“无聊的”诉讼不会阻止投票问题
  24. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台读者:把十大网赌靠谱网址平台带回家,撞车抢劫,警察监督申请