
Crisis Communications for Building Owners 和 Managers During the 北约峰会


In my nearly 30 years of crisis communications, I’ve helped address many issues 和 crisis situations affecting the commercial real estate 行业. Although the communications strategies differ for each crisis, it’s clear the organizations that actively communicate 和 have the most robust crisis communication plans maintain the best reputations. 正如沃伦·巴菲特的名言:It takes a lifetime to build a reputation 和 only a few seconds to destroy one.”



为 楼宇业主及管理人 具体来说,名誉是神圣的. Ineffective communications during an incident can lead to a loss of current 和 prospective tenants 和 employees, 融资, 待定交易和信誉. Owners 和 managers of Chicago’s downtown commercial buildings are likely going to be put to the test next month during the 北约峰会 他们如何与关键利益相关者沟通.

There are many crisis scenarios that may involve your building during the 北约峰会, such as:

  • A peaceful demonstration could escalate into a volatile, potentially violent protest outside of your building, prompting local news crews to arrive seeking comments;
  • The City of Chicago could issue an extreme security threat alert 和 shut down all public transportation (including Amtrak, CTA, 佩斯及地铁公司), str和ing tenants 和 employees in the Loop;
  • A man with a crude bomb in his backpack could enter your lobby 和 dem和 access to a tenant company.

你现在采取的步骤将决定 如何 和 多好 you communicate during a potential crisis situation next month, next year or 10 years from now. 危机沟通最佳实践 for 楼宇业主及管理人 is a three-part process: 准备执行 和 恢复.

准备: Preparation is the single best way to ensure your reputation stays intact during 和 after a crisis. With less than one month before the 北约峰会, 楼宇业主及管理人 should have a crisis communications plan in place for various issues that may arise. A strong plan contains a vulnerabilities assessment such as potential communications 和 operational breakdowns.

Preparing materials in advance of the 北约峰会 ensures you won’t have to scramble for data 和 resources during a crisis. 一些材料 十大网赌靠谱网址平台建筑业主和管理者 考虑发展的项目包括:

  • 建筑物情况介绍, 包括建造年份, 建筑材料, 楼层数, 生命安全属性, 大厦职员人数, 等.;
  • 详细的联络名单 十大网赌靠谱网址平台警察局, employees, tenants, building staff, local media, partners, legal counsel 和 insurance brokers;
  • 简化的响应/通信协议, including who will be appointed spokesperson to address various stakeholders should an incident occur;
  • Template press releases 和 tenant notifications; 和
  • 与媒体接触的规则.

随时了解事态发展和 有关北约首脑会议的十大网赌靠谱网址 通过监测当地媒体, 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台的专用网页, 抗议者的博客NotifyChicago警报 和 Chicago’s Public 和 Private Partnership (CP3). Consistent monitoring will help identify warning signs such as unusual activity or a heightened interest in your building by the media 和/or 抗议者.

执行: In the event that a protest or threat escalates into a crisis situation, 楼宇业主及管理人 must effectively communicate to key stakeholders. This includes updating your building’s website, issuing statements 和 sending notifications to tenants, 员工和职员. 如果可能的话, all communications during a crisis should contain updated information incorporating new developments  corrections to any false statements or rumors. 楼宇业主及管理人 能和 十大网赌靠谱网址平台警察局 to gather accurate information needed to provide timely updates whenever possible.


If an incident occurs during the 北约峰会 that involves a commercial building, it’s possible that the building owner 和/or manager will be contacted by the media for comments. 在这个场景中, spokespeople must effectively communicate as much relevant information as possible, but should not speculate or unnecessarily heighten the situation. 在处理媒体时, it’s best to keep answers brief: Speak in headlines 和 speak slowly 和 clearly. 这避免了信息误解.

恢复:危机沟通正在进行中. 在一次事故之后, 楼宇业主及管理人 should update their crisis communications plans as soon as possible to reflect what was successful 和 what needs reevaluating. 除了, proactive communications with key stakeholders like tenants, employees 和 media will ensure the building’s reputation is solidified for years to come.

即将到来的危机局面 北约峰会在十大网赌靠谱网址平台举行 may or may not occur, but the event merits that all local 楼宇业主及管理人 are prepared. 有效的危机沟通 will not only ensure the safety of your tenants, 员工和职员, it can also build 和 protect your reputation as an effective leader in 十大网赌靠谱网址平台的商业地产 行业.

What steps have you taken to prepare for the upcoming 北约峰会?